Ah cholesterol, the much vilified
nutrient! If we listen to most of
the traditional nutrition and health information out there we are forced to
think that cholesterol is extremely bad for us and should be avoided at all
costs. However, as many of you may
know already, cholesterol is essential for human life. It is a major component of all of our
cellular membranes and is the precursor to many hormones we need (1).
Also frequently mentioned are the different
types of cholesterol, the so-called “bad” cholesterol, LDL, and the “good”
cholesterol HDL. However, calling
these two transport molecules cholesterol is really a misnomer, as they are
complexes containing many different types of proteins, fatty acids, and only a
portion of it is actual cholesterol.
These two molecules have different functions in our body, and can come
in a variety of sizes. However,
labeling them “good” and “bad” cholesterol is incorrect and misleading.
So is there actually a “bad” form of
cholesterol? I have already said
that cholesterol is essential for life, but there is a type of cholesterol that
does appear to be bad for us. This
type of cholesterol is cholesterol esters, which is just a cholesterol molecule
attached (esterified) to a fatty acid. Not all cholesterol esters are equal
though, ones that are attached to polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) appear to
be the most dangerous.

In a very interesting, albeit slightly old,
study authors examined many different plaques that were separated into three
categories: plaques in the absence of other disrupted plaques (Type A), plaques
in the presence of other disrupted plaques (Type B), and disrupted plaques themselves
Plaques form for many reasons, and some are
more dangerous than others. The
authors of this study say that they believe their type system represents a
linear progression for plaques, from Type A to Type B to Disrupted. However, when plaques rupture they
create dangerous embolisms that are able to clog even the tiniest blood
vessels, and are a major cause of strokes and heart attacks (4). An
embolism can be thought of like a giant boulder in the middle of a river. It may impede the flow a bit, but if a
chunk (embolus) breaks off that boulder and flows into one of the smaller
tributaries of the river it may completely dam up that stream. So learning more about the
characteristics of these disrupted plaques, and the plaques that lead to them,
can give us great insights into the how to treat people with plaques, and lower
the risk of heart attack or stroke.
Now back to our study, the first thing these
authors looked at was the lipid composition of the three types of plaques. Here is what they found:
It is interesting that in this figure the
only lipids that seem to change very much are the free cholesterol, and the
cholesterol esters, meaning that these two lipids would be the most important
factors that cause a ruptured plaque. However, this change in lipids is not the
only factor that can cause a ruptured plaque, the authors also found that as
free cholesterol and cholesterol ester concentrations increase, there is a
corresponding decrease in cap thickness, and an increase in macrophage (white
blood cell) accumulation. A decrease in cap thickness is highly associated with
the propensity of cap to rupture, and we can think of this as like a baseball
cap vs. a hard hat. The thicker
the cap (hard hat) the less likely we are to damage or rupture that
When they took a further look at the
concentration of cholesterol and cholesterol esters they found that the
cholesterol esters were more abundant near the edges of a plaque. (Note on graph: FC= Free Cholesterol, EC= Esterified Cholesterol)
Not only are cholesterol esters more abundant
at the edges of plaque, but also as a plaque moves from Type A to Type B to
Disrupted the amount of cholesterol esters that are attached to a PUFA increase
in concentration.
These two facts are important for a couple of
reasons. First, these
PUFA/cholesterol esters are highly reactive. This reactivity with other molecules in our blood stream can
damage the PUFAs, and lead to plaque rupture. The authors say this in the
discussion section:
“Such damage to PUFAs, particularly at the edge
of disrupted plaques, where concentrations of omega6-PUFAs are greatest, may
promote connective tissue degradation and influence the prevalence of
disruption at this site.”
When these PUFA attached cholesterol esters
are oxidized they are known to be toxic to arterial cells and, in particular,
macrophages (white blood cells) (3). This will lead to an immune response,
and inflammation, which is nearly always associated with a rupture (5).
But now the question arises, how might these
cholesterol esters get into a plaque in the first place? While some may come from errant LDL
molecules, I think the majority of them come from macrophages themselves. These macrophages may come in to help
heal a plaque, but evidence shows that their morphology can be changed once at
a plaque, by the composition of that plaque itself (6)! Also, diabetics, who have an increased
risk of atherosclerosis, have an increase in macrophage cholesterol ester
uptake (7). Finally, I think once inside a
macrophage, constant energy excess helps to trap the cholesterol esters inside
the macrophage. This study
indicated that a cholesterol ester cycle exists within isolate macrophage, and
that it is dependent upon ATP (8). So if we are at a constant energy
excess, like with a typical SAD dieter, and especially in diabetics, we will
continue to build up cholesterol esters in our macrophages. It is important note though, that that
study was done in isolated mice macrohpages, and was relatively old, but
constant energy excess can be seen as a cause of accelerated atherosclerosis in
many other ways, including increased reactive oxygen species and AGE
We have seen that cholesterol esters are
highly correlated to disrupted plaques, and also in Type B plaques that are
next in line to rupture. Also, we
know that these types of molecules are highly reactive, and when concentrated
near the edge of plaque, like in Type B and disrupted plaques, greatly increase
the chance that the plaque will rupture. Also, macrophages may be the primary driver of
cholesterol esters into plaques, and this can be seen by the increase in cholesterol
ester concentration in diabetic macrophages. Also, constant energy excess can have disastrous effects on
our bodies, and can trap cholesterol esters inside macrophages. This ability to damage a plaque and
cause a rupture is why I would call cholesterol esters the real “bad”
Good stuff. I've read a lot of material on cholesterol, but this is the first I've encountered these cholesterol esters.
ReplyDeleteSo what would you say the role of omega-6 is in this process. Is it the increase in omega-6 in the SAD that poses the greatest risk?
Would you summarize the take-aways as reducing inflammation (i.e. white blood cells) and trying to balance calories in calories out?
Do you have any suggestions on corrective measures should you suspect you already have elevated cholesterol esters?
Well like I said in the article, I think that the PUFAs are the most reactive fatty acids, and when there are a lot of ROS (reactive oxygen species) around they are very prone to oxidation and can cause a lot of inflammation that way. As for if that is the greatest risk, I can't say one way or the other really, I do think that in excess they are obviously problematic, especially since in the SAD it is usually PUFAs layered on top of already very energy/carbohydrate dense foods.
ReplyDeleteI think reducing inflammation is a different thing than just reducing white blood cells. Yes, these are highly associated with inflammation, as they are the mediators of the process. However, I think a better way to phrase that would be to support your white blood cells. What I mean by that is just like many of the tissues in our body, white blood cells need certain nutrients to function optimally, they are a metabolic tissue just like any other. We need to support them with proper fuel and resources just like our brain, or else they will become dysfunctional and lead to these types of problems, or others. I think after doing a lot of this research the immune system has risen in my hierarchy of most important tissues to support.
As for the elevated cholesterol esters question, again, I am not quite sure. The article for reference 8 talks about a cholesterol ester cycle within macrophages. This is a cycle where the CEs are broken down and then re-esterified by the macrophages. So, we could conceivably remove some of the esters from our macrophages by trying to stop the re-esterification of the cholesterols, which as I said was dependent on ATP. I would say the best thing to do is probably to limit PUFAs and make sure you aren't in a very long term energy excess.
I was intrigued by your statement regarding the importance of immune health, and did a little supplementary reading. I might suggest that by attending to gut health, you will also improve immune system health. It seems to improve gut health, it is important to consume both prebiotics and probiotics, such as fermentable fiber and other fermentable foods. I understand our 21st century need is greater for these due to chronic stress and the more prevalent exposure to food toxins via the SAD, but in considering evolution as the key to understanding how we are adapted, what keys does evolution provide in terms of keeping our intestines healthy?