Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ketosis Part III: Hormonal and Enzymatic Regulation

Alright, and we’re back!  So our story so far has covered what ketone bodies are and how they are formed, and some of the ways we can turn our bodies into ketone body creating machines.   This article will look further at some ways the creation of ketone bodies is regulated.  As I did with the last article I will put out the “lots of science” disclaimer on this article.  This one will be more technical than the last one was, it is just the nature of the beast when you are talking about some of these complex biochemical pathways.

I know that all the weird letters and numbers that represent proteins in our body don’t really mean much to most people, but remember they are really just designations for various receptors our body uses to recognize each specific chemical in our body.  It is important to remember that things in our body usually can’t just go in and out cells and tissues as they please.  Few things in our body just happen.  They are all controlled by various receptors and proteins that help to move them.  So, while I will be presenting the actual biochemistry here, I hope I can bring each section home at the end and give everyone a take home message that will be meaningful.


Well, I am sure at least a few of you out there thought we would be seeing our old friend insulin at some point.  For those of you who might not be familiar with insulin, it is the hormone secreted when glucose is eaten, and has two main functions: deliver glucose to tissues that need energy, and inhibit lipolysis (fat breakdown). Insulin has a marked inhibitory effect on ketogenesis, as you would guess if it is a hormone associated with glucose.  As we can see from this figure from a study on the rate of ketone appearance (TKB Ra) in both lean and obese humans, those patients with higher insulin levels have a lower rate ketogenesis (1).

How does insulin inhibit the production of ketone bodies? Well, there are three main enzymes that are the “rate limiting steps” for different parts of ketogenesis, and insulin has an effect on all three. 

(By rate limiting steps all I mean is that in a certain biochemical pathway there will be one reaction that has a larger effect on the total outcome than the others.  For instance, if we have a reaction of A to B to C; the reaction of A to B might take longer or require a special enzyme, while the reaction of B to C would just happen when enough B is present.  In this case A to B would be the rate limiting step, as it has a special limiter that the total reaction of A to C can’t work without.)

The first enzyme that helps to control ketogenesis that insulin works on is Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL).  HSL is found in the adipocytes, and is the rate limiter for the breakdown of our stored fat (triglycerides) into free fatty acids, which can then be transported to the liver and be further broken down into the acetyl-CoA’s needed for ketogenesis (2).  When insulin is present it “dephosphorylates” the HSL, which is just a fancy way of saying it deactivates the enzyme in this case.  Once deactivated triglycerides can no longer be broken down into fatty acids, and our substrate for ketogenesis stays tied up in the adipocytes.

The next enzyme that insulin has an effect on is Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase (ACC).  ACC is present in our liver and catalyzes the production of malonyl-CoA from our precious stores of acetyl-CoA; this malonyl-CoA is then used to create new fatty acids for storage (3).  Not only does malonyl-CoA use up some of our acetyl-CoA stores, but it also decreases the amount of fatty acids that move into the mitochondria, which is where all ketogenesis happens.  Without fatty acids in the mitochondria, ketogenesis cannot occur. 

How does insulin act on ACC?  Well since ACC is a potent inhibitor of ketogenesis by decreasing our acetyl-CoA stores and reducing fatty acid transport into the mitochondria, insulin increases ACC activity (4).  Insulin performs this by inhibiting the AMPK pathway, which then prevents the phosphorylation of ACC.  In this case, NOT being phosphorylated activates ACC, and thus decreases ketogenesis.

The final enzyme that insulin has an effect on that helps control ketogenesis is HMG-CoA synthase (HS), which you hopefully recognize from the first article as the enzyme that controls the first step in ketogenesis, the joining of two acetyl-CoA molecules.  Insulin inhibits ketogenesis by decreasing the transcription (the making of the protein itself) of HS by reducing the effect of a potent transcription factor for HS, FKHRL1 (5).  Wow, that’s a mouthful, let’s break it down just a bit more. 

A transcription factor is just something that will stimulate the production of specific protein, HS in this case; it does this through interactions with the DNA itself.  The transcription factor here is FKHRL1, and when it interacts with your DNA, it will increase the expression of HS.  However, this interaction is inhibited by insulin!  Without HS expression we cannot join our acetyl-CoA molecules, and thus will not produce any ketones.

So, we can see that insulin has many effects on the systems that control ketogenesis. The reason I said that I think these mechanisms of regulation are similar to the ones in the last article is because insulin is intricately tied to our glucose status, so a high-carb diet is going to prevent ketogenesis two ways, through the physiologic processes we talked about last time, and through raising our insulin levels.  


Glucagon is typically considered a starvation hormone, as its release is stimulated by low blood glucose levels (6).  It is made in the pancreas, and is also inhibited by high blood glucose levels and insulin.  Glucagon is potent stimulator of ketogenesis, and does this through interactions with the same three enzymes as insulin.  Since we already know the functions of these three enzymes, and the effects of glucagon are almost just the opposite of that of insulin, we should be able to go through this pretty quickly. 

First, for HSL, glucagon acts to phosphorylate the enzyme. Phosphorylation can activate an enzyme, and that is exactly what happens here.  Glucagon stimulates the phosphorylation of HSL, and once activated will initiate the breakdown of triglycerides from the adipose tissue for use in making fatty acids.  Glucagon does this by stimulating cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, which is known to phosphorylate and activate HSL (7).

Now here is where things get a bit confusing. Glucagon will inhibit ACC by causing phosporylation of the enzyme.  Wait, what?  Didn’t you say earlier that phosphorylation activates them?  Well, yes that does happen through certain pathways but when others are stimulated they can cause a deactivation of the enzyme, it all dependent on where they phosphorylate/dephosphorylate on the enzyme.  In this case, the phosphorylation occurs at a site that will stop the function of ACC. Glucagon facilitates this by activating AMPK, a protein that will phosphorylate and inactivate ACC (8). With ACC inhibited fatty acids are free to be transported into the mitochondria to be used for ketogenesis.

Finally, glucagon plays a large role in the regulation of HS.  Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are not the only mechanisms to control enzymes in our body.  Some of you may have heard of acetylation, which is attaching one of our acteyl-CoA groups to an enzyme or even DNA to activate/deactivate it.  However, HS is intricately regulated by succinylation.  When HS is succinylated it is deactivated, and glucagon will prevent the succinylation of the enzyme, thus keeping it activated (9).

As we can see ketogenesis is highly regulated by both insulin and glucagon, who, in turn, are regulated by opposing blood glucose levels.  Insulin is activated by high blood glucose levels, where as glucagon is activated by low blood glucose levels.  With all this information on the biochemical control of ketogenesis we can see just how important it is to keep our glucose levels low if we want to maintain ketosis. 

I know this is a lot of information, but I found a great review article that has a nice table that summarizes all this information nicely (10).

This table skips a lot of the intermediate biochemistry and just gives you the straight effect of our three enzymatic regulators, and the effect of insulin and glucagon on them.  I think it is a great summary of all the information above.

There are many other hormonal/enzymatic regulators of ketosis.  We can see from these abstracts that norepinephrine, epinephrine, and thyroid hormone all seem to play a role in ketosis by their effects on lipolysis (fat breakdown) (11, 12).  Norephinephrine increases lipolysis, and thus ketogenesis, but also seems to increase liver ketogenesis. 

While thyroid hormone does appear to increase ketogenesis through increasing lipolysis, it is important for hyperthyroid patients to keep a watchful eye on both thyroid hormone levels and ketone body levels, as there are several case studies in which severe increases of thyroid hormone cause ketoacidosis and then cardiac arrest (13, 14,) While this appears to be very rare, it is definitely something to keep in mind when determining your own optimal diet.


Well, yet again we have covered a ton of information in this article.  The control ketone body creation is an intricate process within our body, and is regulated in a variety of ways, and through many hormones.
  • Insulin is activated by a rise in blood glucose levels, and has an inhibitory effect on ketogenesis.
  • Glucagon is activated by a decrease in blood glucose levels, and increases ketogenesis
  • Hormone-sensitive lipase is a main regulator of ketogenesis by controlling the break down of triglycerides in adipose tissue.  It is inhibited by insulin and activated by glucagon.
  • Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase is a main regulator of ketogenesis by stopping the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria, and creating malonyl-CoA from acetyl-CoA.  It is activated by insulin and deactivated by glucagon.
  • HMG-CoA synthase is THE main regulator of ketogenesis, as it is the step in the pathway that joins two acetyl-CoA molecules.  It is inhibited by insulin and activated by glucagon
  • Other hormones such as norepinephrine, epinephrine, and thyroid hormone have been shown to affect ketogenesis.

While these last two articles may have seemed too complicated to some, I think recognizing this interplay between so many body systems is important, not just because of its role in ketosis, but its role in overall energy homeostasis.  All of the regulation mechanisms above mark a step in the process of your body sensing its energy state, and these regulators are key to keeping our health in check.

This one is pretty long already, so I think I will turn the final part of regulation into a separate article.  We have to cover one of the main signaling pathways for controlling ketosis, so we will go over that hopefully tomorrow. 

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